The majority lung cancers derived from cells in the lungs, but lungcancer can also come from cancer in other body parts that spreadto the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in both menand women. Lung cancer is also a major cause of cancer deaths.
Types of Lung Cancer
More than 90% of lung cancer starts from bronchi (large airwaysinto the lungs), cancer is called carcinoma bronkogenik, whichconsists of:
The majority lung cancers derived from cells in the lungs, but lungcancer can also come from cancer in other body parts that spreadto the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in both menand women. Lung cancer is also a major cause of cancer deaths.
Types of Lung Cancer
More than 90% of lung cancer starts from bronchi (large airwaysinto the lungs), cancer is called carcinoma bronkogenik, whichconsists of:
- Karsinoma sel skuamosa
- Karsinoma sel kecil atau karsinoma sel gandum
- Karsinoma sel besar
- Adenokarsinoma.
Karsinoma sel alveolar berasal dari kantong udara (alveoli) di paru-paru. Kanker ini bisa merupakan pertumbuhan tunggal, tetapi seringkali menyerang lebih dari satu daerah di paru-paru.
Tumor paru-paru yang lebih jarang terjadi adalah:
- Adenoma (bisa ganas atau jinak)
- Hamartoma kondromatous (jinak)
- Sarkoma (ganas)